Friday, December 22, 2006
9/11 Monthly Movies Night Start January 4th 2007 8pm

Please join us on the Riverboat! @ the Ami Beaucoup restaurant and lounge on 1/4/07 at 8pm for a FREE projection screening of our exclusive video...9/11 REVISITED: Keeping Up With Jones. The video is 50 minutes, and presents information and evidence from physicist and retired BYU professor, Dr. Steven Jones. It includes amazing mainstream media news footage, eyewitness testimony, and excerpts of FDNY communications from that day. Come out and hear what Jones has to say, and go home with a copy of the DVD.
This FREE screening marks the first in a recurring monthly series of films on the subject of 9/11: "the first thursday of every month". The films will vary with each screening but the focus remains around the collapse of the twin towers, and the lesser known, building 7. After viewing the film, we offer a discussion period where all are welcome to comment and voice their opinions. Our screenings are offered in the hopes of spreading awareness on the circumstances regarding the WTC complex destruction on 9/11/01.
Ami Beaucoup (aka The Riverboat Restaurant) is a full restaurant and bar, with great food and atmosphere which we feel offers the Orange County community an ideal venue upon which to discuss a most important subject.
The Riverboat is located at 151 E. Coast Hwy in Newport Beach, CA. Come early, have dinner, maybe a drink, and stay for the screening. We hope to see everyone there!