Tuesday, September 26, 2006
3rd Screening of KEEPING UP WITH JONES brings out OC community!

Our 3rd 9/11 movie screening brought out over 100 Orange County residents to sit, study, reflect, and comment on the destruction of the WTC Complex on September 11th 2001. After five years, the community gathering revealed that while people are still healing and grieving, they are also ready to ask the tough questions. Questions that Dr. Steven Jones and many others are addressing directly to government agencies like NIST and FEMA, the official bodies charged with investigating the destruction of the twin towers and building 7. A recent announcement by NIST states that its investigation on building 7 is delayed until March 2007, and a growing number of Americans are asking why. Building 7's hauntingly apparent classic controlled demolition continues to plague the official government agency investigating its free fall speed demise.
Film explores 9/11 demolition theory

A new film suggests the collapse of the World Trade Center towers is similar to a planned demolition.
By Kelly Strodl
On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, ceremonies held around the country remembered the lives and sense of safety lost as a result of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Huntington Beach residents Aaron Haley and Joe Dunlap wanted to honor the event with a different focus.
They chose to talk about molten steel, horizontal plumes of smoke and pulverized concrete powder.
At 8 p.m. Monday night, nearly 100 people crowded into the Newland Barn to view the new film "9/11 Revisited: Keeping Up With Jones."
Composed from a DVD Haley and Dunlap ordered online while splicing in segments of a presentation made by Brigham Young University Physicist and Professor Steven Jones delivered in June in Chicago, the film presented the scientific aspects involved in the collapse of the buildings and the implications of the evidence.
According to the film, Jones first got involved in researching after watching video footage of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 around 5:30 p.m. (Eastern time) the same day. To Jones, the way the buildings fell looked alarmingly similar to a planned deliberate demolition.
At one point during Jones' presentation covered in the film, side-by-side videos were shown of the collapse of Building 7 and a planned demolition.
"When I saw Jones and read his paper, I thought he's onto something," Haley said in an interview days earlier.
Before the film began, Haley encouraged the audience to go online and research the evidence on their own, not to simply trust anything they heard that night.
"This is about education," Haley said. "That's where we're coming from."
Friday, September 08, 2006
9/11 Revisited: Keeping Up With Jones

Please join us for a FREE screening of the video: "9/11 Revisited - Keeping Up With Jones"
Date: Monday - September 11th, 2006 @ 8pm
Location: The Newland Barn (right behind the historic Newland House)
19820 Beach Blvd.
(near the corner of Beach Blvd. and Adams St. next to Mother's Market)
The video is 52 minutes and focuses on the collapse of the twin towers and building 7. Much of the video is narrated by BYU Physicist Prof. Steven Jones and his recent research into how the buildings could have collapsed. Details of both the FEMA and NIST government reports are specifically addressed as well. A discussion will follow after. To find out more about this subject matter, visit www.st911.org and read Jones' paper entitled: "How Indeed Did the World Trade Center Buildings Collapse".
Thursday, September 07, 2006
OC Weekly mentions special 9/11 screening...

9/11 at 5
Questioning documentary marks solemn anniversary
Thursday, September 7, 2006
Warning: do not turn on the TV news on Monday if you do not want to be reminded—constantly, breathlessly, relentlessly—of that dreary day five years ago when everything changed: Sept. 11, 2001.
Then again, should you crave a different spin than that spoon-fed by the corporate media, head to Huntington Beach for a screening of 9/11 Revisited: Keeping Up With Jones, which details Brigham Young physics professor Steven Jones’ contention that jetliners alone could not have toppled the World Trade Center buildings.
This is the third monthly summer screening by those 9/11 Truth boys of Huntington Beach, Aaron Haley and Joe Dunlap (see “Let’s Roll Film,” July 28), and the second straight time they have shown Jones, which they created using various news clips, audio files and a speech by the professor carried on C-SPAN.
HB Independent covers 9/11 questions and local screening...

Locals Analyze 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
By Kelly Strodl
With the fifth anniversary of Sept. 11 drawing near, some local groups plan to remember the nearly 3,000 people who died that day with memorials and tributes, including a ceremony at Pier Plaza to honor members of the military, police and firefighters.
Two Huntington Beach men have taken a different approach in observing the anniversary of the attacks.
Aaron Haley and Joe Dunlap edited a film comprised of media footage of the event, interwoven with scientific arguments about the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, in a look at the scientific evidence behind the plane crashes into the twin towers. More specifically, they explore the destruction of Building 7, the third skyscraper to collapse from what government reports described as structural damage due to internal fires.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Orange County Register runs story by NY Times...

In Saturday's edition of the Orange County Register, a story originally from the NY Times ran about 9/11. The article focused on NIST's findings and how they "counter theories about a U.S. role in the World Trade Center attacks". A recent poll by Scripps Survey Research Center at Ohio University found that 36% of those surveyed said the federal government either took part in the attacks or allowed them to happen. Now that awareness and support is growing for a new investigation into 9/11, articles like this are beginning to appear. The story spends most of its words addressing how improbable any demolition type assisted collapse could be, but fails to counter any of the key points of that hypothesis. Most alarmingly, there is not one mention of the wtc building 7 collapse! The importance of this omission is key, because the 6.5 second free fall of this building on 9/11 which was not hit by any plane is often the cornerstone for questioning the government account of 9/11. The failure to mention wtc building 7 in the article prevents people from gaining awareness of this huge anomaly for which even the FEMA report offered no definitive conclusion.
Down at the Pier...

On Saturday September 2nd, a group of us went down to the Huntington Beach Pier to offer residents and passerbys information about 9/11 and our screening next Monday on 9/11/06. As polls have shown, we found many local residents unaware of some basic truths about 9/11 like the collapse of building 7. With blown up posters, dvds, and flyers, we peacefully offered information and conversation to all who were interested. Passerbys were very curious, as was Kitty Felde of KPCC, 89.3. She arrived to interview all of us and find out why we're committed to exposing the details about 9/11. After three hours of great citizen activism, police did arrive due to a complaint made by a resident with extreme political bias. Telling the police several untruths, we eventually had to break down our table set up due to not having a permit. The lead officer was very polite and simply stated the rules. Now that we know them, we'll back downtown soon to spread more 9/11 Truth!