Sunday, April 15, 2007
FREE Projection Screening in Laguna Beach of 911 Mysteries!

Please join us for our 7th 911 Movie Night! We travel down to Laguna Beach to present an amazing film about the destruction of the WTC Complex and the problems the official story presents when aligned with the laws of physics and fire science. 911 MYSTERIES will screen at 8pm on Friday, April 20th at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laguna Beach. The filmmaker herself will attend and offer her insights on creating the film and the facts presented within. Everyone agrees this is the best documentary out there, don't miss it!
When? April 20th 2007 - movie starts at 8pm (pre-roll at 7:30pm)
Where? Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laguna Beach
429 Cypress Dr.
Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651
What? FREE Screening of 911 MYSTERIES followed by discussion w/ the filmmaker
Seating Capacity? 125
Parking ? available on street
Contact? 714-501-1420
Sunday, April 08, 2007
9/11 Truth & Justice Conference Interviews

We attended the Justice & Freedom conference down in Irvine, CA on March 11th, 2007 and shot interviews of William Rodriguez, Webster Tarpley, and Peter Thottam of 9/11 Truth L.A. Questions for our guests centered around the momentum of the 9/11 Truth movement at large and their personal views on the progress and opportunities for justice:
1. William Rodriguez, 20yr employee in the WTC North Tower:
2. Webster Tarpley, author, 9/11 Synthetic Terror:
3. Peter Thottam, member, 9/11 Truth LA:
The conference was a great opportunity to meet people committed to waging peace through justice of the 9/11 crimes. Not surprisingly, one of the best speakers was Dr. Steven Jones. Once again, he gave a jaw dropping presentation by methodically explaining the results he has gained through testing some WTC samples. Dust samples obtained by Jones from NYC residents and documented through a chain of custody reveals indeed that alumnothermics, ie: thermate, played a role in the destruction of the WTC twin towers, and lesser known Building 7. Extremely high traces of sulfur and molten metal alloy were found in the samples which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that 9/11 was indeed an "inside job", ie: a professional demolition.
Regardless of your view of Rosie O'Donnell, the spin will no doubt begin when Steven Jones makes an appearance on her widely watched ABC television show "The View". With an audience extending to 30 million, Jones may be just the physicist Rosie asked for to appear before her co-workers and audience in order to explain the physics and science behind the collapse of Building 7. Certainly a conversation on that subject will include how the twin towers could have been completely destroyed.
Also, we are currently working on assembling a video of Steven Jones' presentation from footage shot at the Irvine conference as well.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Dr. Steven Jones comes to Irvine, CA on March 11th

We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Steven Jones* will be appearing in Irvine, CA at the Atrium Hotel across from John Wayne Airport on March 10th and 11th. Click the link above for details about this event. Since the release of his peer reviewed paper "How Indeed Did the World Trade Center Buildings Collapse" Dr. Jones has offered a very focused and scientific approach to discussing the events of 9/11. We highly recommend everyone seize this opportunity to come and hear Dr. Jones speak about his latest research and developments.
*Steven Jones will be speaking on Sunday March 11th @ 4:45pm for about 1 hour. For a complete speaker schedule go to:
The event will be held at:
The Atrium Hotel
18700 MacArthur Blvd.
Irvine, CA
(949) 833-2770
Across from the Orange County (John Wayne) Airport
Monday, January 22, 2007
Thank you for coming to our screening at Java Co. in La Mirada!

9/11 Movie Night - Feb. 1st - Thursday @ 8pm
Thank you for joining us at the Java Co. coffeehouse for "911 Mysteries". The owner is very open to additional screenings, and with audio/video equipment already set up, it is very easy to screen films there. Java Co is located at 15286 Rosecrans Ave in La Mirada, CA. In the far left corner of the strip mall. Cross streets are La Mirada Ave. and Rosecrans Ave. The owner is very aware, so if you're in the area, grab your coffee from a guy who gets it...
For a map to Java Co click the above link or call: 714-523-2844
9/11 Movie Night will continue to host and screen films across the Orange County area each month. Currently setting up new screening residence in Huntington Beach area. Know a good venue or location? Contact us.
Friday, January 05, 2007
9/11 Movie Night Concludes run on the Riverboat...

Thank you to all who attended our Jan. 4th screening on the Riverboat in Newport Beach, CA. Our screening of "Keeping Up With Jones" marked our last screening at the Ami Beaucoup lounge. In fact, the entire riverboat is now closed. 9/11 Movie Night is actively seeking new locations for monthly screenings, and appreciate any recommendations from past, present, or future attendees! We are always seeking out individuals who can secure venues for future 9/11 Movie Nights! Drop us a line if you have one...
Friday, December 22, 2006
9/11 Monthly Movies Night Start January 4th 2007 8pm

Please join us on the Riverboat! @ the Ami Beaucoup restaurant and lounge on 1/4/07 at 8pm for a FREE projection screening of our exclusive video...9/11 REVISITED: Keeping Up With Jones. The video is 50 minutes, and presents information and evidence from physicist and retired BYU professor, Dr. Steven Jones. It includes amazing mainstream media news footage, eyewitness testimony, and excerpts of FDNY communications from that day. Come out and hear what Jones has to say, and go home with a copy of the DVD.
This FREE screening marks the first in a recurring monthly series of films on the subject of 9/11: "the first thursday of every month". The films will vary with each screening but the focus remains around the collapse of the twin towers, and the lesser known, building 7. After viewing the film, we offer a discussion period where all are welcome to comment and voice their opinions. Our screenings are offered in the hopes of spreading awareness on the circumstances regarding the WTC complex destruction on 9/11/01.
Ami Beaucoup (aka The Riverboat Restaurant) is a full restaurant and bar, with great food and atmosphere which we feel offers the Orange County community an ideal venue upon which to discuss a most important subject.
The Riverboat is located at 151 E. Coast Hwy in Newport Beach, CA. Come early, have dinner, maybe a drink, and stay for the screening. We hope to see everyone there!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
9/11 MOVIE NIGHT - November 2nd Thursday @ 8pm

Please join us at the Ami Beaucoup martini lounge for an exclusive FREE screening of the new film:
90 minutes of evidence and analysis laced with staggering witness testimonials. A careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. No agenda. No finger-pointing. Just the facts and the "mysteries".
For more information about the film 911 MYSTERIES, visit: